I knew about the fan club meeting but a:I needed to update my membership,which I can't afford yet ($30! for a family)b:they
were asking $25 for a hamburger bar and I was not going to pay that much for a burger at 10 am and C: they only were able
to invite 150 people, which filled fast, so they didn't seem to mind the $25 burger (BTW,I looked at the menu at the place
the meeting was held at and it was like 75% cheaper). I assume most were either well off $$ or never met him. I told a friend
that goes to the Mikeypower.com that was going, to tell him that I said hello and I am sorry I couldn't make it. On Saturday
morning, I was bound and determined to be in the same building as my true love Michael. Robert, his brother and wife and I
drove to the Concord Mills mall and walked around the mall. There was a long line going into where Mikey was. About 2 hours
later, we decide to leave so we could go to the race. Carol, my sister in law, got an idea about cutting thru the arcade that
Michael's meeting was at. As we passed the door to the meeting, we could hear Michael talking. There wasn't anybody at the
door, so Carol said, "lets go in". It was the end of the meeting anyways, so I don't think they really didn't care. We walked
in, and instantly I start shaking. There he was. I get that way everytime I see him! I took digital photos and filmed some
on my dig. cam. When it was time for him to leave, he was signing a banner on the wall, and I walked to him and said "hello
Michael!" He turned around and a smile came across his face. "OH hey! They told me you weren't going to make it this year!"
he said as he stretched his hand out. I thought he was gonna shake my hand, NO, his arms opened wide and he gave me a hug!!!!
I think I died right there. I think I ran into them!:-) 
He then asked me if I wanted him to sign my shirt. I was like, "uh, sure, by all means!" I didn't think of him signing anything.
I didn't think of the jacket of the team that I just bought or the hat that Robert bought me that I was carrying. I was just
like star struck. All I could think of is, oh gosh, do I look okay? Hope I don't smell bad from sweating as I walked the mall.
You know stupied things like that....aug. oh well. Here are some other photos taken that weekend while we were in Charlotte... 