Here are some misc. photos of Mikey. Some are my personal ones taken by me (or by my camera) and some are others.
of all horrors! My ex (#*&$) husband couldn't even |
take a pix! How stupied! This was the 1st time I met Mikey too!!! |
It's like "duh" you turn the camera sideways, right? But my ex-husband had (has) a few bolts loose in his
nit wit head. He cut Mikey's head off. I will never forget coming out of Walmart and him looking at the pixs and going,
"oh God, your gonna kill me!" That I almost did! Here it was the first time meeting my idol and he cuts his head! Man. I was
hoping to get the oppertunity at that time for him to get a photo taken of HIS favorite driver..guess what I would of done???

ewh how fat am I?

he's seen me prego too!

me standing besides a winning car

cut out my ex husband's head...haha! Got him back!For cutting my head out of my first picture with Michael!

eh look at tha hair on me! ewh. This was not one of my best ones with him! He looks hot, I look like crap!
lotto ticket...nope, didn't win, but love the ticket anyways! |
Like a kid in a candy store!!! |
Go Michael, GO GOGOGOGOGO!!!!!
don't know if you can tell but.... |
Mikey has his tongue stuck out to the side-workin' really hard movin' tha car!!! |
when I got this from a friend, I asked,"Who is |
that woman next to my future husband?" "His fiance' Buffy." was the reply. My friend took this one |
Mikey with Marlena when she was a baby! |
I will always love you, Mikey! You have basically watched me grow up! You were younger than I am now when we first met!!!
Robert, my hubby now, and Mikey |
Daniel with Ricky Rudd car |
my oldest two: Daniel and krisha |
pardon the fact most are love songs...lol! I am a sucker for a love song, and besides I had Michael on my mind when creating
this song list...but hey, I am a chick, right? I did however toss in other songs too...