a lot that is on other pages (like wedding pictures) are all a part of my scrapbook. But I am adding this page so that you
can view some of the stuff in my scrapbook!
This is what started it all...
I broke down and wrote to Mikey. The envelope that came in the mail that Mikey wrote the address to,
came enclosed with his autographed picture and this letter from Ginger Rider. She is the daughter of Chuck and Pat (the
late) Rider the owners of Bahari' Race team that Michael drove for at that time. I thought the stationary was so kewl!

wanna work on a model car? (I have more around here somewhere...)
okay keep in mind these are my personal pictures-some I took, some that my friend's took and gave me...
Please be nice when copying-do so for your own benefits, not to sale please!!!
